The ‘State Of Flow’ and Forest School
Today I’m looking at our next theory that has relevance to Forest School and that is the theory of the Flow State devised by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1990.
The Theory
This theory is all about when a human being becomes so immersed and taken in by what they are doing, time simply seems to speed on by and there is almost the hyper focus on that task.
It’s known in some circles as being in the zone. Now this state can either be easy or difficult to get into, but when in the state of flow it is the perfect garden for learning to grow and thrive.
Hang on hang on you said it could be either easy or difficult to get into, how does that work mark, I hear you ask. To which I would replied well picked up my friend.
How It Works
It all depends on the environment and learning material. If a child is not challenged and for all intent and purpose is bored by what is being put there way, then a flow state is very difficult to reach.
Alternatively if it is too easy then a flow state is very unlikely. It is ultimately all about the Goldilocks effect. Not to much, not to little but just the right amount of challenge. Now if a child is challenged just beyond their comfort zone, where all quality learning occurs they will glide into a state of flow where total immersion, hyper focus and strong learning potential await.
Over -delivery With 2 Theories In One!
Hey now we’re getting into two learning theories. I love to over deliver. If you’ve not comes across the learning zone model before imagine a circle with 4 other circles inside. The smallest circle is the comfort zone. Where things are routine, relaxed safe and your child is in control.
The next circle out is the fear zone, where doubts about abilities and uncertainties may creep in but can also motivate to push into new pastures. This zone is often accomplished with facilitation from an adult, until elf confidence is well developed.
The next is the learning zone where new skills, knowledge, habits and attitudes are created and forged along with potential problems occurring in the early stages to test the learning child. The longer and more often a child spends here the stronger their skills, knowledge, habits and attitudes become. This is primarily where flow state occurs.
It is the perfect distance away from what your child knows but challenges them just enough to inspire a get up and go. Beyond this in the outer most circle is the panic or discomfort zone where new learning is far beyond the set of skills a child holds at that moment in time. This can be overwhelming, desturcutive and at times dangerous for a new learner.
Flow relies on the zone of learning as the right skill levels are present to allow a child to have a go at the new learning but is not so secure that they excel as if they did this would be too easy and provide no challenge so negatively impacting a state of flow. At times this state can be annoying for children and they may have to persevere but most often this level of challenge excites and rewards.
So How Does Flow Relate To Forest School?
Through children choosing what, how and when they play know as child led play, your child will naturally select what is motivating, interesting and at their level.
Your child is also highly and naturally curious, wishing to push themselves just beyond their capabilities at any given moment. Everything is a learning opportunity when you’re young.
Forest School allows this all too happen as children are given time, space and support where they need it.
The Competent, Valued and Unique Learner
Forest School views children as competent, unique and valued and it is this view alongside the child led play ethos that creates the environment you’re your child to be adequately stretched into their zone of learning and subsequent state of flow, to set in.
Children may be supported at this time if they require it, which is identified through keen observation and is subtly executed by the Forest School leader.
This is done through facilitation or help from the Forest School leader either through providing the perfect resources to extend observed play or supporting play through their expert knowledge.
All these aspects adds up at Forest School to allow your child to frequently enter and maintain a concentrated period of flow state. Little else can do it with such repeatability and so offer the learning rewards the state of flow can provide.
Magic ae,
You’re Just One Session Away!