I Have A Secret To Tell You!

Forest School Secrets
3 min readSep 1, 2020


Today I’m going to let you into a secret. I’m writing a book!

It came as a shock to me aswell! However after writing, recording and living my 87 episodes of content I thought what better way to compile it all and add incredible value to parents lives than to write a book entitled Decoded: Forest School for Parents.

My Calling

This is of course the working title and it may evolve in time, but I’m writing a book! A real, hold in your hand book! Did I ever dream of writing one? Never in my wildest dreams. Do I know what I’m doing? Not a clue? Am I excited? Absolutely! Will it changes parents lives. Hopefully!

Forest School is my calling and I want to spread the message and build huge value in peoples lives so they know Forest School can and will set their child up for life success.

It really is transformational. We ain’t messing around here. Forest School is that powerful. It’s just in the past perhaps its message has never been spread in a way that is simple enough to understand and without technobabble throwing parents off.

Way Too Much Technobabble

If its message had worked then lets be truthful Forest School, would be a mainstay in every parents lives. I may be biased in this but that is my belief and guess what I’m sticking with it.

I mean this thing changed my life. When I was struggling as a teacher to believe I was good enough in a job that was for all intent and purpose depressing me. Forest School proved me, to me. I was good enough I just needed the right environment that complemented how I believed children should be taught. It was kinda like I was a goldfish being told I needed to climb a tree.

The Perfect Fit

The Forest School came along and made me realise there was an alternative and this alternative fitted everything I believed in and the proof existed that it could change children’s lives, even then. Now with all the research out there and me living my actual dream I actually does! Fast forward those two years since I left teaching and I have never looked back.

I am indebted to Forest School and it now forms part of my soul. Therefore, it isn’t to far fetched to understand I suppose why I am writing this book and being a student of it’s teachings I wanted to let parents in on it’s immense potential.

Transforming Children’s Lives Since 2019

Transforming children’s lives is the goal, is the process and is why I’m doing what I do and adding immense value into what I offer. There really is no better feeling in this world than giving and seeing this transformation in family after family.

How the book goes, who knows. But I have the content. I have the passion and I have the time. Just need to decide on the most electrifying front cover now.

You’re Just One Session Away.



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