Eco Ed Forest School And The Future

Forest School Secrets
7 min readJun 3, 2020


In this blog I’m going to be discussing Eco Ed and the future. I’m super excited to let you into some big things that are happening!

After what has been a tricky couple of months it has actually proved worthwhile and deeply satisfying to now be in an even stronger business position.

It is weird calling something like Forest School a business. It really is more than just a commodity. It is an ethos and vehicle for learning. But in the capitalist world we live, to spread the message and change children’s lives in a way that is bigger than simply one small location, creating a business opportunity was the only way.

This doesn’t mean that the true essence of Forest School is going to be lost at Eco Ed Forest School. Far, far from it. I am a Full Fat Forest School practitioner and this permeates through the business and will forever.

Eco Ed will forever remain true to what Forest School is, full stop! Simply full fat refers to delivering Forest School in exactly the way it was meant.

Child led play, in nature, developing the whole child through careful facilitation. It was actually coined by Mel McCree in 2014 an academic, who’s work I have followed for sometime. If you get chance to check any of it out, it will really provoke your thoughts which is always a good thing.

As part of the Forest School commodification it has become more of a marketing tool over the last few years as apposed to what it really should be about I and others may feel.

So how have I adapted this business so that it may spread the Forest School message and change children’s lives by reconnecting communities with nature, but stay true to its Forest School roots?

Well this extended amount of time during lockdown has allowed me to strip back the layers of what surrounds Eco Ed Forest School, learn form humbling lessons and build it back in a way that I feel is stronger and even more beneficial for the community I have brought together through Forest School; The Eco Warriors.

Anyway…The short answer is value! That is how!

For some reason in this modern age people are really unwilling to share information unless they receive something in return. Its not like they hold the secrets of the world so what is the issue?

It has bugged me so much that I’m going to start paying my knowledge, skills and understanding forward even more than I previously have in terms of offering hugely valuable information to our community and the wider audience more often, in addition to our staple Forest School sessional delivery AND I hasten to add without requiring something extra in return.

That’s right this added value is FREE. You may ask am I mad. Possibly, yes but by providing you with value and help in possibly the most difficult journey you’ve been on, parenting , I am able to serve you in a higher capacity than simply taking your money. Let’s be real now.

What do I mean. Well if I can convey to you what Forest School truthfully is all about and how we help children learn, instead of making it fit around people, whilst also giving you all the tools and resources. How much easier does that make your life?

More importantly how much more confident do you feel about being a parent?

Not only that but how much more do you trust me, bond with me and understand what my true motives are? Right?

That way together we can guide children to become happier, smarter, kinder, thoughtful and more well rounded individuals. True benefits of Forest School.

So what have I got in mind?

First up emails are now being sent once a week to keep you closely engaged and hear some tips, tricks and hacks

Next, you’re already receiving the start of some of what I have in mind by consuming my videos, reading the blog or listening to the podcast. So crazy to think I’d be podcasting and blogging but I’m loving it.

This will happen each day at least for the next year so there is a bank of value being built up that you can binge on and take out what is relevant for you. This will culminate in a book that I am currently writing called Decoded; Forest School for Parents. I hoping this will be finished much sooner than a year.

Next, our website is undergoing a massive transformation. It will make it far easier for you to navigate through it and be guided each step of the way.

Not only this but at each stage there is the offer of extensive value being added that will make your families Forest School journey a whole lot easier.

So if you’re coming across us for the first time you will receive an extensive parent pack with all the information you need, not only that but access to our private Facebook group, weekly newsletter with tips, hacks and thoughts pluuuuus 10 videos that answer all your burning questions about Forest School. And do you know how much that will cost an Eco Ed newbie? Nothing. It is absolutely free.

When you’ve receive your parent pack you will be given the chance to book onto a session or sessions of your choice and not only that but you will be given… Are you ready for this? The forest school mindset system, Forest School Trump Cards, a poster on 5 trees to ID, a guide book on the importance of learning through play, all our audio files from our monthly live Facebook Q and A’s and our review cards bonus scheme that gives you a free session each time you write us a review on 4 sites.

All this has a value of £1094 but you get it for simply the cost of the session which is either £12.50 for half day or £30 for full day.

Why? Because all of this will provide you with huge value that will enhance your forest school experience and make it even more incredible for your child whilst also permeating into your home life. Win — Win I’d say.

Now our existing customers, you can go through this channel too or if you prefer there will be a dedicated shortcut through to the booking portal via our private Facebook group.

Which by the way the booking portal has changed! No more of those booking fees or having to takes hours to sign up or having to add, then go back and find the next session you want, then go back and add…etc etc.

But you too will also receive huge value on this booking page as you’ll get access to our gratuity scheme of the review card and referral rewards bonus which gives you a free session for a review on 4 different sites and money back for referring us to a family who attends, respectively.

Sibling discount for your youngest child, access to our private Facebook group, monthly live q and a’s like tonight, our weekly newsletter and block booking discount! Phew. Again this has huge value but you only pay the price of your ticket.

Then the most exciting announcement is that both new and existing customers get the opportunity to sign up to our new 6 month membership scheme. Here’s what you’re going to get if you do,… oh I’m so excited!

You will get unlimited access to all our sessions

A free birthday party

1 piece of Eco Ed Apparel wear every 2 months

Access to our gratuity scheme

Access to a dedicated private facebook group- eco committee X

A den building kit, followed by other kits if you were to continue

And downloads of EcoVid for our new customers and a Special Gift for our Existing customers

Plus a Free copy of my book before it goes out.

This is all valued at £2,899 but you only pay £97 per month for the 6 months.

There are schools programmes also available with amazing value but that’s for another episode.

By the way i shall be going deeper into these over the coming weeks.

Can you actually believe it?

There are further developments in the pipeline including our start back date, but be sure of this. I will be sharing it with you when I know and the value, especially after what I’ve just said, is going to be insane and irresistible.

Oh by the way most things will now be placed in the private group for various reasons so if you want to be first to know whats happening you will find it there.

The link is pinned in the comments for you or in the show notes. Another thing is that I wish to thank all the anonymous parents who filled in our parent research questionnaire. I helped to put all what I have explained into action and motion. I’m super lucky to have a parent group like you supporting and believing in the mission that overrides it all.

You’re just one session away!



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