Eco Dens (Building)Kit!

Forest School Secrets
2 min readJun 11, 2020


I’m super excited to be releasing this new development in today’s post. Our Eco Dens Kit!

So as part of our 6 month membership offer you will receive our brand new product called Eco Dens.

Children love building dens and for good reason.

It provides huge amounts of learning opportunities whilst also providing satisfaction when they complete something they set out to do.

Our Eco Dens Kit makes this so easy for children and can be added to simply with a couple of old sheets, boxes, or whatever else you have around the house.

Now you’re probably thinking well how much is this Mark, well once again the answer is free when you commit to a 6 month membership with us.

Such amazing value added for becoming an Eco Ed Forest School member that makes it irresistible to say no, right?

I’m super excited for what is to come and how this is going to enhance your children’s forest school journey, making it even more effective.

Remember your just one session away!



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