11 Forest School Tips For Parents

Forest School Secrets
6 min readJun 10, 2020


Today, I shall be covering 11 forest school tips for parents!

This I must say was particularly fun to put together and may become an invaluable aide!

So even if you’re an old hand or a newbie here are my 11 top tips for parents.

Lets get into it.

1; Bin Bags!

A staple of any parents car armoury! Your children will get muddy. Even if you think their not a mud seeker… Think again.

The amazing thing though is that mud is super good for our bodies and mental wellbeing…..but not so great for our car upholstery.

So thee number one way to combat this is having bin bags at the ready that you can bag the muddiest of items, lay it over your car seats or even make you child a bin bag cagoule for the them to sit in until you get home.

In addition, bung in a towel too as this can be quite cosy to be wrapped into on those wetter, muddier days.

2; Extra, Extra socks

Children’s feet without doubt get cold in wellington boots.

Don’t get me wrong, wellingtons are probably the best for Forest School for the flexibility, waterproofing and ‘mudability’.

However rubber sucks at keeping in heat.

Great for the summer but shocking for the winter.

My recommendation would then be to pop at least two sock layers on your little one before coming and having a few extras in your bag.

Now, I’m not talking about thin socks, unless their something like merino wool.

I mean good quality numbers that retain heat!

If you know your children’s wellies are up for renewal anytime soon, then I recommend checking out Spotty Otter’s fleece lined wellies.


An absolute game changer for you children, as they will forever be able to shrug off cold toes , whilst still having the flexibility, waterproofing and ‘mudability’.

As I say absolute game changer.

3; Waterproofs

As one of our amazing parents put it, even if you don’t think you’ll need them…. you will.

So have your child bring them along and pop it in their bag they bring.

That way it’s out of sight but they can be called upon if it tips it down or your child is in need of an extra layer or that if they fancy going to play in the stream.

Remember we are in Oldham, the weather you can guarantee 90% of the time will be wet!

That’s the beauty of it’s geographical position at the foothills of the Pennines.


4; On the go snacks

This was an another suggestion from the same one of our amazing parents.

If you think that making your little one a beautiful Instgram worthy packed lunch for those longer days is the way forward…perhaps think again.

Children are so excited, engaged in their play and loose track of time they don’t often want to sit for to long to unpack this majestic picnic.

Children are made aware of relevant snack and lunchtimes and are each observed taking fluids and foods onboard….but they want simplicity or food they can eat in the moment.

We’re talking sandwiches, pocket yogurts, handfuls of raisins, bits of fruit, carrot sticks but not a three course meal.

Think simplicity and you won’t go far wrong.

Plus, the children will be provided with bites to eat throughout the day from the Forest School leader, so they will never go hungry.

5; Waterproof washer

To keep your children’s technical clothing (i.e. The stuff that has to perform in harsh weather, lasting for years to come) I often recommend getting some waterproof in wash solution.

Not only does it get the garments clean it helps ensure they are able to work properly.

I often send all my items through in batches every 3 or so weeks due to use.

That said on those muddier days they’re going through once a week.

I would recommend checking with the care labels of the clothes and that companies website to see what waterproof in wash solution they recommend.

Do not put it through a biological wash for the love of unicorns!

That will be the fastest way to ruin the technical fabric.

6; A Bag

A bag is a huge bonus and a must have at Forest School.

We’re not talking Gucci, but a bag that is preferably waterproof and you don’t mind it getting a tad muddy.

In here all spare kit and food will be store.

It really helps children to have a base as it were and is good preparation for the future and thinking about planning ahead.

7; Strong Breakfast

A huge must!

When any of us go outside, even if we’re not being active we will expend more energy by simply keeping warm or cool depending on the weather.

If you combine this with children’s love for vigorous exercise and play, then a good breakfast is what will keep their bodies firing until snack time where they can take on nutrition again.

8; Use our Facebook Group

A massive bonus about Eco Ed Forest School is our amazing family base and now you can find them all in one place in our private Facebook group; Eco Committee.

I would speculate most, if not all, Forest School’s have their own groups.

I’d encourage you to post your questions, share ideas and generally chat using the group as all parents were in the same boat once with the same uncertainties, nerves and questions.

Use the group and the community will help one of its own.

9; Reflection

At Forest School there is a big emphasis on reflection, but not forced reflection.

Children are given the option to speak and reflect if they so wish.

But sometimes they may not wish to. Therefore, on your way home a tip would be to have a chat about their or your day together at Forest School.

Best bit, worst bit, funniest bit, trickiest bit. So many benefits to reflection that I’m happy to go into if you;d like more information.

However what I’d like you to remember is you’re not seeking knowledge to praise with reflection.

You’re simply seeking the answers to those questions and how this can inform what you speak about next.

It really isn’t a test.

What they come out with may actually make you stop and think and start a really meaningful discussion between you.

10.Process not product

This might seem like an odd one, but allow me to explain.

Forest School is a long term repetitive process that takes children through a process of ultimately self development.

There is no test or award at the end to achieve a product.

In addition no child is set against each other to compete against one another.

They are met where they are at and their only competition is themselves and improving on what they think they need to.

Children have a huge amount of innate intelligence, simply natural understanding of themselves and what they need.

Trust in the process and its ability to bring proven success and within a few short months you will see how the process impacts and brings about good change in your child life and self.

11. Be prepared to see us again and again

Lastly this statement will become your reality very soon, so embrace it! Who knows you may even enjoy coming and having time to reconnect to with nature.

So there we are 11 Forest School tips for parents. I hope these will be thought provoking and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it all.

Remember you’re just one session away!



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